Friday, February 19, 2010

Bookshelf . . .

I was looking at a blog the other day and spotted a bookshelf from Whoa I thought, I would luv one of those sweet thangs so I clicked on the thingy and voila! my very own book shelf. Check it out at the bottom of the page.

I'd venture to say I've read hundreds of books in my lifetime.
One summer when I was a young girl I read every mystery in my age group from our neighborhood library, the next summer it was biography. I'd find me a hidey hole and read, read, read. I was a good reader and quick so I could consume a lot of books in a short time. I checked out books at the school library on a certain topic and read till I'd read every book in that category. Land a mighty, I had so much information in my brain it was about to burst and yep, I was nearly blind at the end of the summer, been wearing glasses ever since. Okay, I exaggerated a bit there about the glasses but you know what I mean.

I love to read history, mystery and biography (not necessarily in that order), cereal boxes, toilet paper wrappers, tin cans, blogs, cookery books, encyclopedias' dictionaries, billboards, medicine bottles, road maps/info, magazines, bathroom walls, newspapers, bumper stickers, graffiti and the mayonnaise jar. If it slows down in front of me I'll read it.

I've started my bookshelf and already have several shelves and those are books I've read in just the past 3-4 years. I'm on a first name basis with the ladies of our library, my card is held together with tape and glue and I have my own parking space close to the door. Just kidding on the parking space but as much as I'm there I should have one. Hmm, I may take that up with the head librarian.

Where did I get this passion for reading, my parents, especially my dad. (Dad read the newspaper cover to cover save the ads, unless he was looking for something everyday until he died) He read to me every day before I started school, consequently, I could read several story books before I entered kindergarten. If I didn't remember a word Dad would help me to phonetically sound it out. I think that is why I'm a good speller as well. Now if I could just master a worthwhile sentence I'd be in chocolate heaven.

I still have many books to add to my shelves but it will take some time.
Check back once in a while and see if there's something you might like to indulge your reading urge with.

Have a good evening wherever in the world you are, and good reading to ya.


Jan said...

How fun, I love the idea, I'm gonna get me one!
I guess I get it from you, and my kids get it from me! What a wonderful cycle!
How are you doing? I'm missing you tonight, I love ya!

NanC said...

I miss you too Jan, hope to see you soon. I just got my WF 1099's and they have attached a letter stating not to file taxes until the end of March. I won't go into it here but they do it to us every year. I should have come out the middle of January and been back here by now. That would have been the smart thing to do but we've had a lot of crazy weather this winter so I don't know. Have your babies read the Boxcar Children's Mysteries or any of Candace Fleming, or Patricia Palacco? They're really good books. Candace does that one called Gator Gumbo which I absolutely love.

Cheyenne said...

I know where I get my love of reading from!
Kara gave me all of Jane Austen's works for Christmas in this little box set. They are small probably 4x3" and have red cloth covers under the paper wrapper with red silkribbon fo the bookmarks. I have read 4 of the 6.
I am a fast reader too.
It is hard to keep Dustin in books. Austin reads the book when Dustin is done. KC has taken up a love of hunting books...Dillon reads Sports Illustrated and the comics in the New Era...hmmm?
I like the bookshelf thing.
I would like to try and get together in Arizona if we can too...stinking taxes!
Miss you. I want to get out of the house today...need a chauffeur!