I did this post on my private blog and have now decided to share it with others besides my family. Sometimes I wonder how two people who are as opposite in nearly every thing as we are have remained together. Form your own opinion.
He’s up, I’m down.
He’s red, I’m green.
He’s in, I’m out.
He’s patient, I’m a whirlwind.
He’s a free spender, I’m frugal.
He’s a left-side sleeper, I’m a right.
He likes fried foods, I love veggies.
He thinks right, I think left.
He’s brown-eyed, I’m blue.
He’s short, I’m tall.
He's left-handed, I'm right.
He’s phenomenal with numbers, I can barely remember my address.
He’s mechanical, I can hardly turn the key on.
He loves sci-fi, I love mystery.
He’s messy, I’m tidy.
He likes football, I like baseball.
He’s thunder, I’m lightning.
He drives me crazy, he thinks I'm 'blond'.
He wants me to come, just for a minute, to see something Don has sent him on the PC, which is on the third floor, I‘m in the basement.
He’ll be reading and thinks I have to have periodic updates on what he’s reading, regardless of what I’m doing, usually I‘m reading.
He drives way too close to the center of the road and takes too long to finish a job.
He puts his empty glass in the sink after I’ve just emptied the dish water.
He wants to work on a project in the house just after I’ve cleaned.
His car looks like a garbage can.
He constantly says huh but before I can repeat everything I’ve just asked he answers me.
If he does the dishes for me he leaves at least 2 items in the water and doesn’t wring out the sponge.
He leaves soda cans everywhere and his clothes on the hamper.
There’s more, much more but I think there's a word limit on this blog.
As you can tell, we are total opposites in a lot of things and he drives me absolutely crazy.
So…. what keeps us together? It might just be this . . . .
He reads to me in bed so I can get sleepy.
He never complains when I turn on my book-on-tape when I go to sleep.
He calls me several times a day when he’s on the road.
He gives me blessings on the phone when I need them.
He’ll go to the store when I don’t want to.
He reads the directions and then tells me in 3 E-Z steps how to do it.
He takes me out to breakfast the first morning after he comes in off the road.
He’s quiet and patient with me.
He puts the toilet seat down.
He likes to make me laugh.
He buys great gifts such as; emerald and diamond anniversary earrings.
He somehow manages an occasional surprise birthday party for me.
He brings me diet de-caf coke.
He allows me my independence without a fuss.
He spoons with me even if we’ve had a bad day.
He’ll give me the last of something.
In a room full of people he always looks for me.
He still wants to impress me.
He’s kind to me.
He runs his thoughts past me for my opinion.
He plays Titanic with me.
He pumps my gas.
He cuts the grass before he leaves for the week so I don‘t have to.
He reads to me over the phone.
He’s absolutely honest in his dealings.
He has the amazing ability to make happen the creative ideas I have in my head.
He reaches out for my hand when we’re riding in the car.
He attempts to help me make the bed.
He is most upright in his church callings and has the reputation of being trustworthy.
He has a soft and kind heart.
He loves the scriptures.
He reads the Ensign every month.
He honors his priesthood.
He loves my children.
This list doesn’t include all of the things Dave does for me but there’s not enough room on this blog to list them all.
I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you the one thing about Dave that truly touches my heart the most; that is his sweet sincere love for his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Many times as we read together he is taken over by the spirit and can hardly speak. I’ve seen him reading scriptures on his own and the tears flowing down his cheeks. It melts me.
Dave has come a long way since his baptism and not all of it easy but he keeps plugging along, moving forward, I admire that.
At the end of the day after all is said and done the one thing I know for sure is Dave loves me and is in love with me.
Maybe, just maybe, that’s why we’re still together . . .
I love you Sweet Man
AAAAWWWW! I have said it before and I'll say it again, I think you and the wicked stepfather are very lucky. We know you are a treasure and he is polishing up just nice!
Love you both!
Thank you sweetheart. Hope you're having a lovely day. D is on is way to San Marcos, TX via Jackson, TN. Talked with him a bit ago and he said the weather was fabulous. It's a beautiful morning here in the Heartland as well. I'll call you later. We love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!!
That was really sweet, I can relate to a lot of those too!
Opposites DO attract don't they?
Very sweet!
What a nice thing to say I always knew you two look good together.
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