Monday, April 20, 2009

Nectar of the Goddesses

Please excuse the sloppy photography. I think you can get a clear enough scope of what I'm showing you anyway. Last week my bosom buddy rang my door bell and said, "I have something for you."
At first I thought she was giving me a can of 'Diet Coke'. We both drink de-caf, diet. She got a big grin on her face and said, " they've changed the can". Beware caffine free-diet-Coke drinkers. Read the label. I wish they would let me design a Coca-Cola label. What kind of a person would put silver and gold together??


Cheyenne said...

You are both sick, just sick and wrong. Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi is the only way to go...No if I was a heathen and not diabetic I would drink the hard stuff straigh up on crushed ice...yah, can't you hear that fizz as you pop the top! Go Pepsi!

Jan said...

I agree who puts gold and silver together. don't you hate when they change the packaging!

NanC said...

Cheyenne how can you be my genetic daughter and drink oooh, ick, yuk CFDPEPSI????
You're darn tootin' it just isn't right! You're my child no denyin' it but you get that Pepsi thing the same place you got your standing-up-North of Ireland Presbyterian hair...your father.

As for Jan her favorite is really Dr. Pepper which is not even in the game....but she'll drink my CFDCOKE while I'm there.

Yep, I think a man must have designed the label. No woman in her right mind would put gold and silver together.

Lanette said...

speaking as a reformed pepsi drinker what was I thinking yuck, come on cheyenne get on the band wagon come to the better side, nancy love your pictures.

NanC said...

Yes Cheyenne follow the light you too Jan.