Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Baby Boy is 39!

Chad Sundance all spiffied up and . . . .
what he really looks like.

These photos were taken by my daughter Jan Ericka. She has a good eye, don't you think?
We were on a camping trip in another state when I started labor on August 13, 1970. As soon as we got home we got things put away, kids bathed, pajamed and distributed. We came back home and waited and finally decided to go to the hospital. Chad was born on Friday, August 14, 1970 at 4:51 a.m. He weighted 9# 10 oz. He was a very cute, sweet, happy baby from the get go and I do believe he was born smiling. We use to call him Happy Jack.
Chad was always looking for an adventure and still is. He was good at whatever he chose to do and he still is. He loves music and plays it constantly, loves movies and watches a lot of them , he loves horses, rock climbing, making things, and his boy Dakota.
When I was pregnant with Chad my appendix ruptured and he and I were in some peril for a bit but I knew we would be okay and here we are today.
Chad has had some tough times in his life but always manages to survive them and come out on top. He has stamina and perseverance.
One of my fondest memories is teaching Chad how to two- step. When he got it down pat he nearly two-stepped my feet off.
Another fond memory I have is Chad's love for Pan Dolce. Dad and I had been in Mexico and brought some home and Chad fell in love with it so I got a recipe and would make it for him.
Chad liked going to Primary to see his buddies especially one little toe-headed fellow whose last name started with a V. I think his favorite teacher was Brother Hobbs. Chad's favorite guy in the B of M was Samuel the Lamanite Prophet.
A not-so-fond memory is hearing, "MOM!" one Saturday morning. Little did I know what I would be seeing when I walked into that room, what I did see made my heart stop for a moment. Let me set the stage; Chad had a remote control car which had a stiff wire sticking out of the back end for the remote control to work. This wire, still attached to the car, was hanging from his eye. He had fallen off the top bunk while attempting to open the window, I think, and voila there he was--wire, car, eyeball!
Of course, it would be a day when Dad was on maneuvers, so I got him in the car and headed for the ER. Mind you, we lived in the foothills with a ways before we connected with blacktop but let me just say we got to the ER in good time. I drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding up the remote control car. Chad was quiet and calm which in turn helped me to remain calm myself.
After the Doctor extracted the wire and did all else necessary we finally headed home with a detour to get his favorite donuts. All ended well with no problems later on.
A few years ago Chad had an accident while rock crawling which didn't turn out so well. His leg was crushed and is held together today with a lot of hardware. He tells me it aches like the dickens when it's cold or rain is coming.
Every phone conversation starts out the same way...MOM!. I always love to hear his voice on the other end of the line. Sometimes he calls me and sings to me or plays a song and wants to know who is singing it. He's a character, a cook, a father, a husband, a son, a son of God, a brother, a dreamer, an inventor, a sweet boy.
Chad is a good man and I'm so happy he belongs to me, he occupies a special place in my heart and I want him to know how much I love and miss him. His Heavenly Father loves him and desires to bless him with all that he is entitled to.
Your Mom


Cheyenne said...

mom thank you for the thoughts that was really special . Thank you for helping out and being there for me when I needed it . I love you to death so thank for your phone call on my birthday and the blog entry .Well i have to go so I love you and I will chit chat later . bye bye .......

Cheyenne said...

mom, that was chad...

Jan said...

sweet entry. nothing like remembering all the reasons he is in our family and why he is special!

NanC said...

Well hey there gang, are y'all still partying? Oops forgot, the Canandians flew back north today so I guess the party is over, eh?
Hope you all had a good time.
Good to hear from you Chad, I hope you had a lovely day.