Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Temple Trip

Yesterday (Monday) when I got up I had this strong desire to go to the temple so I did some chores and called LKT to see if she was up to going. She was, so we got ready and took off. We attended the 11 o'clock session and ran into a couple of sisters from our branch. The session was small and very spiritual.
After the session we ate lunch then took a tour of Nauvoo in a horse drawn wagon. The weather was perfect . . . sunny, DRY, and very breezy, it was a lovely ride lasting about an hour.
We did a quick look-see at the book store and ran into a couple of young women, who now live and go to school in Utah. We use to be in the same Stake.
We drove home, I dropped off LKT, went to the market and picked up some things for FHE later in the evening.
All in all it was a fabulously spiritual day. Hope yours was just as lovely wherever in the world you are.


Cheyenne said...

What a wonderful way to spend the day. I can't wait to be able to go to the Nauvoo temple. Kes and I were going to try and shoot for Thursday...we will see.

NanC said...

The Cardston Temple is every bit as beautiful as the Nauvoo Temple. The color scheme in Cardston is so eye catching. I don't think I've been in any other temple with those colors. I hope you're able to go with Keston working so much. I hope you're having a good day.

Jan said...

What a lovely day! The ride sounded like it was very enjoyable :)
The Cottams head back in a week to be in the pagent and all its festivities, they are so excited. Wayne and Chandler have been growing their hair out for the past few months so they can fit the era. Marie had to buy everyone shoes to fit the era too.
I hope you're having a nice evening, sure do miss ya!

Cheyenne said...

Like the new look of the blog. Lets all of us girls pack our swimsuits and go somewhere tropical! Okay if we are being realistic capris, sunscreen, blouses, sunglasses, water bottles and floppy hats...still sounds like fun.