Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Life History 101

I have worked on my family genealogy for years and can think of no other pursuit of mine that has given me such satisfaction. My mother was the 9th of 11 children which spread out over a period of 22 years. Therefore, all of my first cousins save two are old enough to be my parents. The two cousins who are not are 12 years older and 1 year younger. My youngest cousin and I missed out on a lot because we were so far behind the others and didn't have the same family assocations as the older cousins.

I never knew my maternal grandparents or paternal grandfather. I saw my maternal grandmother twice and the second time was in her coffin. I have longed to 'know' who they are.

In our church we are counseled to journal and write our life histories so that when we're gone those who knew us while living can relive memories of us and those who were yet unborn can come to know us through our writings. We do this because we believe we exist beyond our mortal deaths and can be with our families for eternity.

At an Enrichment meeting a few months back Peggy introduced us to the Journal Jar. This is not a concept that's new or that Peg came up was a borrowed idea. Nevertheless, it's a fun way to get started on your life history if you don't know where to start.

There is no order to this so don't feel pressured.

1. Get a nice notebook and and pen. (Doesn't have to be anything fancy, notepaper and a 3-ring binder will suffice and an ordinary Bic pen)
2. Come here every day for a question or two.
3. Write the question in the notebook and the answer under it. (This lets the person know who may read this why you're writing about this subject.

If you prefer to do this on your PC in Word, or whatever program you use, you can organize it later if you like or leave it hodge podge.

I hope you will find this fun and enlightening.

Here is your first question, and only one for today because this takes a bit of pondering.

1. How do you hope to be remembered?


Cheyenne said...

As being kind.I would hope that I have not offended anyone and have been a comfort to those around me.
I would hope that my children and husband knew that I loved them.

Cheyenne said...

What do you think mom, would that be a start?

NanC said...

Absolutley! If I did half that good I would pleased. You're such a good woman Cheyenne your memory is and will always be a sweet one. Love you, Your Mom